packaging + licensing + branding

be american vote


2020 was a challenging year. Coming together as a nation to participate in the political process by voting was more important than ever. Regardless of your political affiliation or ideology, exercising your right to vote is vital to a strong America. Keeping with the grand tradition of WPA posters and other civic art from earlier decades in American history, Rainwater Creative created a digital poster series to remind us all to vote. The series focused on the theme of "Be American" since voting is one of the most American things we can do. And highlighted voter registration, voter education, and voter action, each focusing on "Be..." statements so that all who encounter the pieces will be reminded to be their best selves, and Be American, by voting.

Poster 1 Design Concept 1: Our nation is so diverse and it's important that every American feels they can make a difference. BE HEARD illustrates the different voices using different fonts (designed in my own voice). When enough of us use our voices, the message will be heard.


Poster 1 Design Concept 2: This image is a modern take on the 'Soviet-era propaganda' aesthetic that has become a touchstone in modern art via Shepard Fairy, The Americans TV series, and others. The right facing profile of the "plus" signs stands in for the chiseled faces of young recruits commonly used in these posters and the primary red and parchment color scheme creates a feeling of being pasted to factory walls. The dexter angle creates an uplifting sensation of movement. This image is intended to accelerate beyond the good intentions of the previous poster and stimulate action.


Poster 1 Design Concept 3: Planning is key to ensuring action. This week's poster moves beyond voter registration and urges the audience to evaluate different options and make a plan for how they will vote. Keying off the statement "Be Prepared" which is the Boy Scout Motto the visuals for this week simulate merit badges that a Boy Scout might earn, and convey a sense of participation to the audience.


Poster 2 Design Concept 1: This week's poster is the first in a triptych updating classic images of former Presidents with a modern twist. The design draws on the 70's punk aesthetic to energize viewers and pays homage to the embattled US Postal Service (mail-in ballots lead to better voter participation) through the use of a postage stamp motif.


Poster 2 Design Concept 2: This week's poster continues the tryptic theme of former President's with a memorable quote from Thomas Jefferson. As an impassioned voice in founding our Republic, Jefferson persuaded his community to form our nation, and this week's poster encourages viewers to persuade their community to vote.


Poster 2 Design Concept 3: Completing the triptych of 'stamps' with images of lauded Presidents, 'Honest Abe' serves as a beacon of hope, that even in a divided time, honest communication can bring reconciliation. His quote is made all the more powerful in light of the fact that he made the ultimate sacrifice for staying true to his beliefs.