Built on 20 years of experience and founded in 2017 as a woman-owned business.
I am buddies with the Minions, I’ve ridden shotgun with the Ghostbusters, and the Grinch is my Secret Santa. I love being immersed in my work.
my process
My process has its foundation in academic best practices, and has been polished and customized over the years of application and experience in many environments. I trust the process because it consistently delivers outstanding solutions to a variety of creative problems and challenges. Check out my Creative Collab where I showcase this process.
Beginning with the end in mind, we clearly define success for our clients upfront. Both online and in the field, we look at competitors and their positioning. We look at social and economic trends that may impact the situation. We also dive deep into who the customer is, understanding their context and current behaviors. Armed with this clarity we begin research.
Using this research, we brainstorm with questions. What are the gaps in the market? What are new emerging trends? What are benefits that could be showcased? What are unique needs? We put pencil to paper and explore all these questions producing a large quantity of ideas, sketches and what if’s.
From these pages of scribbles, arrows, and phrases, we group intersecting thoughts. We look beyond what the problem is to see connections or similarities between ideas. As themes emerge, we take each concept and push to the edges. From this, we select the best ideas that most elegantly tell the story and achieve the goal.
Before settling on recommendations, we ask “Does this tell a story that connects to the target consumer?” The best concepts, and visual solutions that pass this test are translated into the computer for replication and sharing.
From abstract to concrete, we distill these ideas into visual representation. What do these concepts look like visually? Thumbnail after thumbnail, we sketch different ways to tell the story with images, typography, and color.
The final step is crucial to the process and to cultivating lasting partnerships. Open communication, listening to feedback and dialoging with clients brings clarity on the best ideas and creative executions.