packaging + licensing + branding

creative collab

Creative Collab intro

In the spirit of Summer fun, I am starting a Creative Collaboration (Collab) project to keep my mind sharp and play around with some new design techniques. 
Each week, I’ll spin the wheel of fate to get a random assignment. It’s actually 2 wheels. The 1st wheel is loaded with some of my favorite artists. The 2nd is full of popular consumer brands. Whichever combination the wheels select will be my Creative Collab for the week.
For example, for this first round, I spun the 1st wheel and the artist was Mondrian. I spun the 2nd wheel and up came Coca-Cola. My Creative Collab assignment now is to design a creative collaboration between the two. Think of it as a product mash-up!
I’ll be posting the end result on social media and my website every couple weeks, then spin the wheels again for another round of fun and experimentation.
I’d love to hear your thoughts on the designs, and I’ll definitely share some of my concepting and design processes. 
See you soon!

Amber Osborne1 Comment